
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Year 11 Destination

Student Destinations: 2023 Leavers

Destination Number of Students Percentage
Further Education 187 90.78%
Itchen Sixth Form College 83 40.29%
Southampton City College 39 18.93%
Richard Taunton Sixth Form College 4 1.97%
Barton Peveril Sixth Form College 42 20.39%
Eastleigh College 7 3.40%
Peter Symonds College 2 0.97%
Sparsholt College 4 1.94%
Other FE (including out of area) 6 2.91%
Apprenticeships and employment with accredited training 7 3.40%
Employment 4 1.94%
Unknown 6 2.91%
Other 2 0.97%