
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Attendance and Punctuality

Senior Attendance Champion is Layla Jones, Vice Principal (

At Oasis Academy Sholing, we strive for outstanding attendance and have set the school target at 97%. We work hard with students and parents to achieve this target on a personal, tutor, year group and whole school level.

Attendance is closely linked with attainment, thus students with outstanding attendance will also perform outstandingly in school. Attendance is at the heart of our academy.

How we support outstanding attendance:

We work closely with parents and students to celebrate outstanding attendance, from the ice cream van to non school uniform days, we aim to praise good attendance. All students with outstanding and improving attendance, above the target, are regularly celebrated. Celebration evenings, assemblies, tutor group assemblies and half termly rewards await those who regularly meet their attendance targets.

Our academy monitors attendance by the Diamond, so students are aware of the colour banding. We reward improving attendance on a weekly basis by issuing achievement points, which can be cashed in for rewards. These are on top of the Attendance Celebrations.

We strive to work closely with parents to support outstanding attendance, this is in the form of regular communication from tutors, Heads of Year and the Attendance Team. We monitor the health and wellbeing of students on a regular basis and work closely with Claire Cull, Attendance Support Worker, to monitor students who fall ill at times in the school year.

How parents can support outstanding attendance:

Your child’s tutor is the first point of communication for all areas of attendance. We encourage parents to communicate with tutors and to keep all lines of communication open.

Our dedicated Attendance Team will contact parents in the cases of all absences. This is usually through Keep Kids Safe messages, phone calls and in some cases, a home visit.

Medical appointments should be taken outside of school hours or failing this communicate with the Attendance Team to find a suitable time. We are aware that hospital appointments can rarely be booked outside of school time.

We will request medical evidence for medical appointments, this can be an appointment card or a photocopy of the medication prescribed.

Leave of absences:

We are bound by Department for Education and Southampton City Council guidelines that Leave of Absences will not be authorised, unless this constitutes exceptional circumstances.

All applications for Leave of Absence should be made in writing to the Principal.

Should a Leave of Absence be taken and it not be authorised, parents are at risk of being issued with a fixed penalty notice.