
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Behaviour & Rewards

The key to building positive behaviors and habits is through a strong and well deserved reward system. Here at Oasis Academy Sholing we believe that building our young people's esteem and and confidence through rewards is vital to creating a harmonious and motivational learning environment. 

A single point can be given for work or an activity that has taken around an hour to complete, and it should be possible for most students to receive a house point in every lesson.

Categories of points that can be given are:

  • Everyday Success (1 point) – Try hard and make expected progress, take a risk, work creatively, show aspiration, show respect beyond normal expectation, respond to feedback constructively and improve attendance on SOL tracker
  • Wow work (3 points) - Create a piece of work (in class or homework) that really impresses, succeed with a big challenge, display outstanding creativity, show that you really are pushing boundaries
  • Sustained Effort (5 points) - Show long term commitment over three or more weeks (e.g.: significant work towards improving your score). Being part of a team that succeeds, show outstanding aspiration. Represent your school at a special event or be given a faculty certificate
  • Attendance (1 point) – Awarded by tutors in registration to students who have not had a day off in the last week

In addition to house points, students can be given a commendation postcard by their teachers for a piece of work that is commendable in some way. Students who receive a commendation postcard will be entered into a draw to win a prize at the end of the school year.

The Oasis Community Learning Behaviour for Learning policy and the Oasis Academy Sholing Behaviour for Learning policy can be found here.